Meet the Pastors
Pastor Nate Johnstone
Pastor + Worship Leader
Nate and his wife Sara have 3 wonderful children. He enjoys speaking at churches and conferences, writing, and praying with and encouraging Christian leaders from both the church and the marketplace. He firmly believes a world-wide Great Awakening is imminent. He also serves as Lydia House’s worship leader. Nate is a graduate of St. Olaf College (BA in Pre-Med, Ancient Studies, Religion) and The Master’s Institute Seminary (MDiv). He is a rostered ordained Pastor with the LCMC and a member of the ARC and IMF.
Pastor Paul Anderson
Pastor + Worship Leader
Paul Anderson graduated from UCLA and Luther Seminary. He pastored in Southern California for twenty-five years before moving to Minnesota (brr!) to direct Lutheran Renewal. During his tenure he founded The Master’s Institute and the Alliance of Renewal Churches. A young adult community called Communitas met in his home for eleven years. Paul authored five books and enjoys writing his blog. He and Karen have six children and twelve grandchildren–so far.